Rose Hill Garden in Spokane, WA.
Rose Hill was developed as a joint venture between the Spokane Rose Society and the Spokane Parks Department. Built in 1950, it was first tended by volunteer members of the Rose Society. But when the garden expanded from about 500 plants to well over 1200 in 1978, the Parks Department took over regular care and maintenance of the rose beds.
The garden now boasts over 150 varieties of hybrid roses of every type, color, and size. Over 1500 roses in all! For close-up photos of some of these beautiful blooms, please check here. Of special interest to visitors are the miniature roses, and just west of the central garden is a collection of fragrant old-fashioned roses, as well.
Rose Hill sits atops a rise in the middle of Spokane’s Manito Park. This picturesque setting is flanked on two sides by towering northwest evergreen trees. A small pebble path runs through the center of the rose beds and also circles the perimeter. The garden is anchored on the north end by a white pergola and sundial. A second smaller pergola was installed during Spokane’s Centennial Celebration.
The main entrance to Manito Park is located near the intersection of 18th Avenue and Grand Boulevard. Directions: From I-90, take Stevens Street and head south away from downtown. As Stevens winds past the hospitals, it will turn into Grand Boulevard. Continue climbing South Hill until you pass 17th Avenue. The park entrance is on the right. You can’t miss it!
For a map of the park, please check here.